Jack Mundey, who died recently aged 90, wove throughout his long life unionism, politics,social and environmental concerns, along with his love of heritage.
The Green Bans Movement was born when Jack led the fight to save Kellys Bush in Hunters Hill in June 1971. We need to thank Jack for the buildings that were never built in The Rocks, Woolloomooloo and other inner City suburbs, such as Glebe.
Locally, on February 7 2013 Jack came to Kogarah to support the community campaign to Save Griffith House. Jack was always willing to help community groups save their heritage.
I last saw Jack at the National Trust Heritage Awards on May 10, 2019 at Doltone House, Pyrmont . Jack greeted me warmly and wanted to know what I had been doing. His wife, Judy had a local connection, as a former student of St George Girls High School.
Jack’s fight for the urban environment will have been studied, and will be studied in the future by architects, urban geographers, heritage consultants amongst others. His legacy will live on.
Anne Field