Message in a Bottle talk at Sans Souci Library, Sydney

Philip, Anne and Ken

On Saturday morning, May 20 2023   i gave a presentation   on My Message in a Bottle talk at Sans Souci Library, Sydney.   I would like to thank   Bayside Council, Sydney staff for the presentation of the flyer , and the overall organisation involved   with such a presentation. Refreshments were served at the conclusion of my talk.

Councillors Andrew Tsounis and   Liz Barlow attended from Bayside Council , and Councillor Nick Katris from Georges River Council . The Mayor, Christina Curry  was an apology.  A former Legal Studies student of mine from 2011, Jemma Payne, who now lives in Canberra, attended with her mother.  And the former Language Head Teacher from St George Girls High School, Ken Jagelman attended with friends. Local community members also attended.

An interesting point raised in questions / discussion after my talk, was “how  did people meet  in those pre –Tinder times  to find a suitable wife/ husband?”  My Glaswegian grandfather came to Sydney from Liverpool in 1909. Grannie also came from  Glasgow .She  travelled by train to  London, and  then  sailed  third class  on a steamer , the Pakeha ,  from  London via  Cape Town , South Africa.   Grannie arrived in Sydney  April 23,1912 and married the next day at The Presbyterian Manse, Balmain in Sydney . Her wedding dress was in her luggage.  

A couple of people of Greek background, who were in attendance on Saturday morning, explained how their  grandparents or parents met . A photo of the man would be sent to the Greek village in order to find a wife. Some women in Greece married by proxy, and had to live with their in-laws  until such time that they immigrated . The women came to Australia to marry or to be with someone  that they  had never met .

My Message in A Bottle story will be published in the June   2023 edition of the  Australian Maritime Museum  magazine , Signals .  

I would love my story of a Message   in a Bottle to come alive as a documentary . It is  a  story of   family  history , immigration , ocean currents , economic history, immigrant ships , shipping routes , but most of all  bravery  and a sense of  adventure from our  early immigrants.  

Anne Field 


May  23 2023.

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