Facebook: Anne Field and : Facebook : Moorefield Racecourse
December 20 2022
Dear Friends and Relatives,
The past year is a good one to leave behind us .I however soldiered on, as most of us did, and I managed to undertake many activities , for which i am most grateful . i am rather late this year with my Annual Newsletter . Facebook will have to help me out!
My 2022 trips are all detailed on annefield.net.au –in the blog. Photos are included. I should be the assistant travel editor of a newspaper. I am giving hope to those who have dogs, as to the possibilities of travel with our beloved canine friends.
This year, Lillian and i clocked up many kms in both our air travels and road trip travels. April 4-10 2022 we took a road trip to Orange. Teddy came along too. We stayed at the dog friendly house, Swagman Homestead at Stockmans Ridge Winery. One morning kangaroos came bounding past the house.
We caught up with a friend, Bernie and his wife in Carcoar, after morning coffee in Millthorpe. We visited wineries in the Orange area, and i came home with a wine order with Printhie. We took 4 bottles of the 2022 Pinot Gris on our Eden trip, and enjoyed every bottle! I highly recommend Orange as a tourist destination.

On the return trip to Sydney, we called into Bathurst, where we caught up with two 1980’s former St George Girls teaching colleagues of mine , Jo Ryan and Lesley Wade for afternoon tea. A former 1990 St George Girls student, Tamara Manning also came along. It was so lovely to see everyone.
July 21-24 2022 i was in Tamworth. I left Sydney at 930am by train, and thoroughly enjoyed the train trip to Tamworth. The recommended CH Boutique Hotel, where i stayed for 3 nights, was a 10 minutes’ walk from the station. I managed a visit to Tamworth races on a chilly Friday afternoon , where i was asked on a few occasions “if i had a horse running this afternoon . “ My friend of over 55 years, Bonnie drove across from Inverell on the Saturday morning. We had a lovely Saturday, and i returned to Sydney on the Sunday by coach, as track work was being done.

September 5-10 2022 Lillian and i flew to Melbourne to use up our 2020 Melbourne Cup air ticket. We stayed at the Punt Hill Apartments in Flinders Lane, which were located next to the wonderful cafes in Degraves Street, Melbourne. An excellent location.
We travelled by train to Bendigo on Tuesday morning , where we caught up with Dr Sue Walter, President of Malmsbury Historical Society for lunch ,and then did the Heritage tram tour ; Wednesday morning we caught the train to Geelong and in the afternoon we caught the ferry across Port Phillip Bay to Docklands; a relative’s daughter , Jenny drove us on Thursday morning to the Mornington Peninsula to collect her mother , Nancy. Jenny then took us on short tour of the Mornington Peninsula area , and then we had lunch at upmarket The Baths restaurant in Sorrento. Late Friday morning, my cousin Prue joined us for lunch at the wonderful Lady Hopetoun Tea Rooms (1892) in the Block Arcade in the City. Oh, the cakes in the window looked magnificent!

Eden –October 31- November 9 2022 Lillian, Teddy and i set off for a long road trip. My late friend, Maree Dorizas had accompanied me ten years ago on this wonderful trip. Lillian, Teddy and i stayed 3 nights at doggy friendly Pleasurelea Tourist Resort in Sunshine Bay. This is near Batemans Bay and we were there for Melbourne Cup day. I had organised a lovely tray of sandwiches and a fruit platter from the Batehaven Bakery for our Melbourne Cup day lunch. We enjoyed a bottle of our Printhie wine, Pinot Gris 2022 with our lunch. We were happy, as we had backed the winner of the Melbourne Cup, Gold Trip which was ridden by Mark Zahra.
The next stop was to be 4 nights in Merimbula at doggy friendly Merimbula Beach Cabins. On Friday November 4 2022, i met with a journalist, Amandine from the Eden Magnet newspaper at Eden Wharf. It was here at 6am on September 30 2012 that i went out to sea to recommit Grannie’s bottle. Memories…….

I was delighted to see that the Hotel Australasia (1904) had been restored, and was to be officially opened on December 17 2022. They will have 8 luxury accommodation rooms. I will look forward to staying here in the near future.
We travelled to Bermagui, Pambula, and Mallacoota (in Victoria) from Merimbula. Mallacoota was ringed by bushfires in January 2020, and the evidence is still noticeable on the vegetation when travelling there. On our return trip to Sydney, we stayed at doggy friendly Holiday Haven in Shoalhaven Heads for 2 nights.
We were able to have lunch in Berry with Val Everingham , former St George Girls canteen lady and mother of Gay , and afternoon tea with Nerry Stark at her Retirement Village. I bought some lovely honey from the butcher in Berry. His family make the honey it on their family farm. i learned from the butcher , that Rob McIntosh , whom we visited during the 1980’s and 1990’s, when we had our year 12 Geography excursions to Berry, is still operating his dairy farm in Berry.
We had beautiful weather, good roads, great accommodation, lovely cafes, which shut all too early due to the lack of staff – 230pm -3pm closing on our Eden road trip. And Teddy had a wonderful time; he received many pats and much attention, which he enjoys.
On November 21-25 2022, Lillian and i were in Port Macquarie to use up our remaining airline credits. We had the opportunity to visit the Koala Hospital, where i arranged a new koala to sponsor; we did a cruise, with lunch on the Hastings River; caught the local bus to Laurieton for the day; and caught up with Brian and Volli Peacock for lunch. Brian took Lillian and i for a drive to show us the lovely beaches. After lunch, Brian kindly dropped us at the Airport, for our flight to Sydney. Brian and i, served on Rockdale Council together from 1991- 1999. I was last in Port Macquarie in September 2020, but Lillian had not visited for 50 years. Lillian was impressed with the wide streets and the quality of the buildings.

I am flying to Perth to stay with a Newcastle school friend in January. It was an expensive airfare to travel to Perth in January. I am looking forward to a day on Rottnest Island, which i always enjoy visiting. And in a few months’ time , a friend and i , along with Teddy, are driving to Benalla in Victoria to visit one of my elderly Field relatives . Then, we are travelling on to the Snowy Mountains, which i havenot visited since the late 1970’s.This should be a great trip – wineries in Rutherglen ,Victoria along with the wonderful history of northern Victoria . And then to see the Snowy Mountains. I have found a farm outside of Jindabyne that has Highland coos (cows).
June 11 2022 “ Calendar Girls” Guild Theatre , Rockdale with Marianthe Kamateros ; June 21 2022 Archibald Exhibition at Art Gallery of NSW with Lillian Fantin ; June 25 2022 “An American in Paris”, Regent Theatre, Sydney with Lillian Fantin ; August 13 2022 “Boys in Black “, Sydney Town Hall with Lillian Fantin and Liana Stella ; August 28 2022 ‘ On the Night Train’ tribute to Henry Lawson at Shopfront Theatre Carlton with Liz Barlow; September 9 2022 “Hairspray” Regent Theatre , Melbourne with Lillian Fantin ; October 7 2022 “ Priscilla” Rockdale Town Hall, Rockdale ,Sydney with Andrew and Helen Tsounis ; October 15 2022 “ Chalkface” , Sydney Drama Theatre , Opera House with Maria Paino and November 27 2022 “Chase Me Comrade” Guild Theatre, Rockdale, Sydney.
March 5 2022 Marianthe Kamateros, Anthina Milonas and Anne to Randwick Races ; February 18 2022 Denis Mc Namara and Anne to dinner and Canterbury Twilight Meeting ; April 16 2022 Marianthe Kamateros, Athina Milonas and Anne to Randwick Races; November 26 2022 Jon Mcloughlin and Anne to Rosehill Races ; and December 9 2022 Ken Jagelman , Phillip Robins and Anne to dinner and Canterbury Twilight Meeting.

I took Bob Hallett with me to the Punters Night on September 29 2022 at Randwick Racecourse. We met up with Anne Munsie, who introduced us to her son, racing commentator, Glenn Munsie. Glenn was one of the presenters, and fortunately he had a loud and clear voice, so Bob could hear him . I caught up with Max Presnell , another presenter , to have a short chat to about matters racing. And Ken Callendar , another of the presenters on the evening, who also had a loud and clear voice , had taken off after the interesting presentation . Unfortunately, i missed catching up with him .
I addressed the Bayside Council Meeting on March 23 2022 . i spoke on the need for Council to recognise historical sites in the Council area with plaques . I left these Chambers in early September 1999, when i moved on to Kogarah Council – memories!
March 9 2022 I presented to Mrs Beverley Kirby the Noel Seiffert Award at the Seniors Citizens Centre, Ramsgate.

April 24 2022 I attended the launch of former St Georgian , Heather Goodall’s book, ‘Georges River Blues : Swamps, Mangroves and Resident Action 1945-1980 at Hazelhurst Art Gallery. It was a well- attended launch .
May 7 2022, Councillor Andrew Tsounis hosted Trevor Dyet , I and friends to dinner at Chez Pascale in Sans Souci . This was a thankyou dinner to Trevor and me for being on his Independent ticket for the Council elections on December 4 2021. As usual , the chef was in fine form -we had a great night .
On June 4 2022, I attended with Councillor Andrew Tsounis and his wife , Helen to an Afternoon Tea for Seniors at Botany Town Hall . i took along my solar powered Queen ornament to put on the table ; this created a great deal of interest. The solar panel was in her handbag , and this allowed the Queen to give her wave with a subtle twist of the wrist. This was a present from an overseas trip from the late Diana Renton , in possibly the 2012 to 2015 time period, as Diana passed away in early January 2018. Now that we have King Charles 111 on the throne, after the Queen’s passing at her beloved Balmoral Castle in Scotland on September 8 2022, i won’t be seeking a replacement.

On July 16 2022, at the AGM of St George Historical Society, I was nominated to be the Publicity officer.
July 29 2022 i attended the Share “Christmas in July “party in the City. Nicole Assaly , a former student from year 12 2000, came by to say hello. She was in attendance with her mother .
On August 25 2022, i attended the Memorial Nancy Hilier Lecture at Botany Town Hall . This ongoing annual lecture acknowledges a lady, who fought strongly for her local community .
And on September 20 2022, i attended him Ron Rathbone Local History Award in Rockdale Town Hall . This award was first introduced in 2006, and i have entered on a few occasions.
I attended the Council Xmas Party on Friday night ,December 3 2022 at the Lakes Golf Club .
Tuesday April 19 2022 Probus at Our Lady of Fatima Lugarno –Topic “Moorefield Racecourse” ; Wednesday July 13 2022 Ramsgate Senior Citizens Topic “ My Life is a Journey” ; Monday July 25 2022 Carss Cottage for Kogarah Historical Society Topic “ Message in a Bottle” ; Monday September 19 2022 Grandview Probus St George Musos Club 86 Roberts Road , Mortdale Topic “ Message in a Bottle” ; Tuesday October 4 2022 Peakhurst Men’s Probus Our Lady of Fatima Lugarno Topic “ Moorefield Racecourse.”
The Maritime Museum has invited me to submit my Message in a Bottle Story for the March 2023 edition of Signals , their publication. And in March 2023, on a Saturday afternoon, i will present a public talk for Bayside Council on Message in a Bottle .
I had the opportunity to catch up with friends for lunch or dinner throughout the year . A few times a year, a small number of former teaching colleagues catch up for lunch . i saw Erica Nelson , a former PE teacher, when lunching at Hazelhurst Art Gallery on June 24 2022. I heard by phone , from Gillian Cappelletto , a former Social Science staff member , on August 30 2022. I last saw Gillian in October 2006 at a lunch at Randwick Racecourse, and i reminded her of this fact.
And i caught up for lunch with Carman and Helena Mifsud ,whom i have not seen for many years. i had helped Carmen and Helena with Council issues many years ago, when i was the Third Ward Councillor at Rockdale Council .
There were many significant losses of friends during the year . My long- standing friend , Maree Dorizas, passed away on April 28 2022 in her Waitara, Sydney unit . i am led to believe that she felt ill, went to bed, and did not wake up . Maree was only 67 years of age . i believed that there would be a private funeral, so friends of mine, who also knew Maree , lunched at her Club at Waitara on May 23 2022. We remembered Maree as a mother , a grandmother and a dedicated primary school teacher . On June 17 2022, i caught up with some of Maree’s teaching colleagues at Villa Maria Primary School , Hunters Hill . We met at a delightful café , Café Piccolina in Hunters Hill .
Nan Jagelman passed in early June, and her funeral was held on June 16 2022. Over the years, i have enjoyed many social occasions with Nan . She was such a lovely lady, and i will miss her lovely smile , and ongoing interest in what you were doing .
I attended Dr Sharyn Cullis’s Memorial Service at the St George Motor Boat Club on June 22 2022. She was a former teacher and environmental educator, who over many years, had a huge involvement in matters relevant to the Georges River. I had known Sharyn over many years, and admired her dedication and her knowledge. The large number of people, who attended the Memorial Service in the St Kilda Room at the Motor Boat Club, was testament to how well Sharyn was regarded in local community .I caught up with Melissa Derwent, a former student at this memorial service .
I attended June Hart’s funeral on August 25 2022. June had been the President of the St Georgians for many years , and devoted years of service to the school. June kept the Archives in shape, and this was a great help to historian, Pauline Curby , when she was researching the History of St George Girls for the 100 years anniversary in 2016. June was a loyal St Georgian.; a couple of her daughters also attended St George Girls.

I attended the St Georgians Luncheon on October 22 2022 at the St George Motor Boat Club and i sat with a 1980 student , Connie Carnabuci . There was a table of 1980 girls alongside us . These girls are all 60, or are turning 60 -i am suddenly feeling old ! it was lovey to see Mrs Duncan again –she had the honour of being the oldest St Georgian present at the luncheon. And to see Helen Vlachos , mother of the incoming school captain for 2023.
I had afternoon tea on February 27 2022 at Ramsgate Beach with Christina Jamieson ( year 12 1991) and Jessica Huynh (year 12 2012.) I caught up again with Jessica for lunch on October 16 2022 . Christina is now a Councillor at Georges River Council, and Jessica is now a Councillor at Canterbury Bankstown Council , having been elected in December 2021.
I attended the 1991 girls belated 30 year reunion on May 14 2022 .This was held at the St George Motor Boat Club. I posted to my website annefield.net.au -in the blog , two lovely photos of the 1990 School Mock Trial team .

I visited jenny Ware (year 12 1988) on July 14 2022 in her Electoral Office in Sutherland with a bunch of red and white flowers . This was to congratulate her on her electoral success . Jenny was elected as the Member for Hughes at the May 21 2022 Federal election .
In late July 2022, i heard from Regia Alfa with a message to my contact page on my web site . She has lived in France, and is now living in Bali. We are yet to set up a Zoom Meeting , so that we can have a long chat . On August 18 2022 i had lunch with Stacey Tyron at Ramsgate. In late December, i will have dinner with Jemma Payne (year 12 2012 ), who currently works in Canberra.
This year, I have bumped into St Georgians in cafes , at Taren Point Office Works – Michelle O’Connor recognised my voice (Year 12 2000), at the swimming pool , and in the supermarket .
On May 24 2022, Gladys Collins and i caught up with Maryse Wahba , now Price, at the doggy friendly Off the Rails Café, Thirlmere for lunch . Maryse’s daughter , Theresa HSC 1991, attended also. And again on November 16 2022, Maryse , Gladys and i caught up for lunch at St George Leagues Club, Kogarah.
Maryse was the Supervisor of Saturday School of Community Languages , St George Centre for many years. i was the Assistant Supervisor , 1986 until February 1998 and Gladys , a secretary .for many years. Roma, a secretary was unable to join us due to illness.
The exercise class of the STEADY, STABLE AND ABLE group happens in Sylvania on a Monday morning at 9am, and i maintain at least a once a week swimming routine. Teddy has his daily walk/sprint. If he wants to go in a particular direction he will sit down until i take him in his preferred direction – a dog who is determined , and who has a definite mind .
Doctors are now admitting that Covid has impacted on patients with arthritic conditions . i have had ongoing issues since having had Covid in late June 2022.

Teddy with Lily
QUOTABLE QUOTES -There were many : a sample only is listed below.
March 5 2022 Royal Randwick – Members Stand.
Marianthe and Athina were my guests for the afternoon at Royal Randwick . Marianthe needs to sit, as she cannot stand for long periods of time. We were approaching a table , which did not have enough chairs for the 3 of us. A lady, aged in her late 40’s or early 50’s , was sitting nearby with 3 other people . She pointed at a chair, and said in a haughty tone “you cannot have that chair” . With that tone of voice directed at me , i kept my cool , and walked towards the chair. i put my hands on the top of the chair, and in my best Margaret Thatcher voice, i said to her “well you can have your chair.” She was stunned , and turned her back to us for the next few hours . This woman had met her match- I won that one, ten rounds to one!
April 6 2022 Orange – hairdressing salon
Dogs are allowed by some hairdressers into the salons in Orange . i was having a much needed haircut, and Teddy sat on the floor next to me, keenly watching the proceedings . A lady came in for her haircut . and looked at Teddy. She said to me “it is clear that your dog comes from a good paddock.” Lillian and i had a chuckle at this country expression .
June 3 2022 Kogarah- outside South Derm Clinic in Regent Street
I had Teddy on his lead, and we were walking past South Derm Clinic as two of the staff was locking up for the night . In a loud voice, one of the staff said ”OMG isn’t he gorgeous.” They stopped for a pat .
September 8 2022 The Beach Restaurant , Sorrento in Victoria.
Lillian ,Nancy , Jenny and i were lunching at this wonderful restaurant. Lillian was discussing her 2 previous husbands . Jenny and Nancy made a comment about their husbands. I then said that “ Lillian and i have funny conversations when we are on our road trips . We sometimes talk about the men in our lives .‘” The barramundi arrived . I kept a straight face, and looked up at the restaurant owner and said “you were not supposed to hear my comment .“ He placed the barramundi in front of us, and did not say a word . All of us laughed heartily at my comment after he had left our table.
October 17 2022 Ocean Street, Kogarah
“I know that you are not leaving” said the tradesman . “ Could you move your car up . You HAVE to move it .” My reply as i was getting out of my car “only if you ask me nicely.” Mr Entitled here .
November 7 2022 Tilba Tilba , Far South Coast
Lillian and i had just had coffee . i was about to lift Teddy into the rear of my car to attach his seat belt , when a gentleman approached me . He said to me “your dog is too fat “ i politely replied that when i was in Orange in April 2022 , a lady had said to me that” he comes from a good paddock .”
The gentleman then said to me” i have some sheep in a good paddock down the road, and your dog has more hair on him than my sheep .“
I did not have time to check his sheep out, as Lilian and i had a long drive ahead to drive to Shoalhaven Heads ……
December 15 2022 email from Graham Caves .
“Are you trying to get into the Guinness Book of Records as the most travelled lady in Kogarah ? i am dizzy from following your travels. “
Enjoy the Festive Season and stay safe. I hope that you enjoy the read of my busy year .
Until 2023 best wishes,