On July 14 2016, I had the pleasure of launching my long overdue book at James Cook Boys Technology High School. Champion jockey Ray Selkrig, Clarence the Clocker’s grandson, Rick Buckland and John Dwyer, a golfer, who had played golf on the racecourse had the honour of launching my book.
I have continued to sell my books. My Moorefield Racecourse Facebook site is capably produced by Leesha Payor, and I wish to thank her for her diligent work, which is enjoyed by racing enthusiasts. In addition, the Moorefield category on my website annefield.net.au has been extensively viewed across Australia, and in over 20 overseas countries. My four YouTube entries on Moorefield Racecourse were originally part of a two-hour video, which Bob Hallett and I produced over a number of months. The two-hour video was launched on January 23 2019 at St Patrick Green, Kogarah. Three former Moorefield jockeys were present –Ray Selkrig, Ted Mills and Cliff Clare.
I have given talks to many different community groups over the past five years. I thank them for the opportunity to present to their members. At one Probus Club meeting, I met a man who had been at Kogarah High School with John Tapp. He recalls John turning his back to the class and doing a phantom call of the Melbourne Cup. John was always going to be a race caller!
On April 3 2019, I heard from Gopi Selvaratnam, then a horse trainer in Dubai. He wrote to me about Ted Fordyce, an Australian jockey, who had married his aunt. He also mentioned that his grandfather and father had employed Australian jockeys in Ceylon since the 1930’s. The late Bill Wade from Newcastle rode for the family in the 1950’s.
Gopi has recently relocated from Dubai to Sri Lanka and his brother Dhruba, a trainer in Dubai for many years, relocated to Ireland a few years ago. In 2019, Dhruba published a wonderful racing history on three generations of his family, who were/are horse trainers.
On August 13 2020, Siraj Attari contacted me from Hyderabad in India. Siraj has an interest in racing history, and as such has built up a collection of books on the subject. He is also involved in the Racing Museum at Hyderabad Racecourse. We have communicated largely in relation to Australian jockeys riding in India. Earlier this year, through a contact, Anne Munsie, I was able to again put Siraj in touch with former Australian jockey, Brian Foy, who rode in Hyderabad. Siraj was delighted to be able to again talk with Brian.
Brian rode the winner of the first running of the Derby, and the first running of the President of India Gold Cup, 50 years ago. It is the Golden Jubilee this year, so Brian’s image has been used on the covers of the Prospectus of the Racing Season. A fitting tribute to Brian.
My interest in Australian jockeys riding in Ceylon, India and elsewhere arose from my Moorefield book. A number of Moorefield jockeys rode overseas, and this has never been covered in any detail in our racing history. These jockeys were our first international jockeys and they must not be forgotten.
I am appreciative of the additional Moorefield Racecourse information which has come to light. I had the opportunity recently to meet with a member of Billy Lappin’s family, and to look at some wonderful photographs. I had dedicated my book to Billy Lappin.
Moorefield Racecourse is a social history, which commemorates 63 wonderful years of horse racing. I am delighted to have committed this story to its rightful place in our local history. May it continue to allow Moorefield “to live again.”
Anne Field
Kogarah July 14, 2021