A special thank-you to Sing Gao from Rose 2 Ring Studio for the following photographs of my book launch.
My Book Cover
School Assembly Hall – James Cook Boys Technology High School
Book Cover
Guests Looking at my Display Boards
Three Local Studies Librarians and Anne
Julie, Kirsten, John and Anne
Local Politicians S. Moselmane, M. Coure, S. Kamper, N. Katris and Anne
One of my Display Boards
Local Politicians Steve Kamper, Chris Minns, Shaoquett Moselmane, Mark Coure, Nick Katris and Anne
View of the Audience
Ken Jagelman, MC
A view of the Audience
Mark Coure – MP for Oatkey representing the Minister for Racing Mr T Grant
Ray Selkrig and his wife
Ken Jagelman, the MC hard at work!
Ray Selkrig, former Jockey, addressing the audience
Anne presenting her speech to the audience
Anne presenting her speech to the audience
A sense of relief, my speech is over
Graham was representing Heritage at the Australian Turf Club
Ray Selkrig and Anne Saluting the Post – crossing the line at last!
Clarence the Clocker used this watch to time horses at Moorefield
Anne Field and Linda Beattie
Anne Field and Lama Jabr
Anne Field and Mark Coure (MP for Oatley)
Sumptuous Sandwiches!
Delicious Cakes
Delicious Cakes!